No-eun is the closest suburb of Daejeon to us and where the subway terminal is. It's new, pretty posh and still (relatively) clean. The tree just to the right of centre illustrates part of that problem. When there's a storm, with wind, lots of rubbish blows around, naturally enough, and included in this is a huge amount of plastic sheeting which parcels/building materials etc come wrapped in. Normally it just lies where it was dropped, after its contents were unwrapped, until someone eventually pushes it all into a biggish pile, but when it gets blown around it has to wait until the next time someone does it. In this case there seems to have been a really big bit which has got wrapped around a rather nice tree. It was around five months ago that Phillippa first noticed it.
Around where we live in the country smaller bits of the plastic the farmers use land up in all the trees around but seem to blow away again after a few weeks.
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