Saturday, May 13, 2006


This shows what the soil? is like after one night of rain. This is a road/driveway bulldozed out of the new topsoil just added to a field on the way to school. A night's rain has made it like this. This soil is taken from the 'mountains' that they are demolishing/topping to put the new motor-ways through.In the year we have been here many of the farms around us have been raised up to half a metre or so. My guess is that this stuff is what has been blown over from China in the Spring 'huang-sa' or 'yellow sand' that the Koreans complain about regularly. I suspect ( and would love to really know ) that most of the 'mountains' in this 'montainous' country are merely sand-hills. Certainly several of the ones I've seen being demolished, like the one behind our own apartment building, here, don't seem to have any solid element to them.
I gather that we might be going to a 'pottery village' some time in the future and I am really looking forward to that. It has been there for over a thousand years and is quite famous for a particular tye of glaze made from local materials. I was there earlier but it was raining and people here seem to be rather afraid of the rain and we just stood around under shelter and went home again. Posted by Picasa


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